Order Management > Order content >

Product cost



Item's BOM

BoardBOMof Item


Order's BOM

BoardBOMof Order.

Basically, the BOMof the Order and the BOMof the Item are the same. In case the product is tailored specifically for the order, the Order's BOMtable will be revised.


Item No - Export item BOM

Export BOMfile for each Item.


Item name - View sales history

View the Item's sales history.


Product price

The price of a product. Click it to display the tabledetails of the price of raw materials constituting the product price.

Chú ý: Boardchi tiết này chỉ hiện giá nguyên vật liệu, không có chi phí công lao đông và phí quẩn lý.



Copy the entire BOMof the Item to the BOMof the order.

Certified BOMorders will not be initialized nor modified.


Export BOM

Export BOMfor all items in the order



BOMcertificate of the completed order. After certification, the certified person can refuse (Deny) to be able to edit the BOMof the order again.

Only BOMcertified orders will be includedCompare product prices.


Calculate the cost of each product

Calculate the cost of each product, dựa trên thông tin BOM/Giá nguyên vật liệu/Giá công lao động.

Before the order BOMcertification is completed, the price must be calculated at least once.



Boardchỉ tiết giá nguyên liệu tạo nên giá sản phẩm